Babywearing, Craftiness

Easy Sling for Your Toddler’s Doll

9 January, 2013

It is a bit frightening/funny/awkward when your tot learns to copy everything you do. This morning Ramona has been exclaiming “Holy McNoly!” at everything (it could have been so, so much worse but I am desperately trying to modify my sweary antics!) and for the last few days she has been wandering around with a huge swab of red lipstick on her cheek that looks like a nasty gash. She somehow laid her hands on some old “Stay all day” makeup. It’s a wonder product, really. We are three days in and despite several attempts at washing it is not budging! Remind me not to go around covering my face in lipstick in front of her again, okay?

Ramona has often emulated breastfeeding (she nursed a bulb of garlic, I think it was just comfort feeding though) and now she is all about babywearing. It is handy for me too as it means one less thing that I will inevitably end up carrying home from the park. I have tried a couple of methods and now I want to present to you The Easiest, Quickest Sling you could possibly make for your tot.

It is a traditional Asian carry, a mei tai, meaning no buckles just two bows. I have found a way to eradicate most sewing, so this should be crafted up in a tick…

DIY sling for toddlers doll

I often pick up vintage cotton placemats and embroidered hankies, ribbon and binding whenever I see it at a car boot or charity shop. Just a little rummage in my cupboard found me just what I needed. How delightful is this retro soldier fabric? It is a tea towel-y thing, but way too small to be helpful in the kitchen.

easy quick toddler doll sling

Fabric placemats and small tea towels are ideal as they don’t need hemming, but a square of any fabric will do, just put a hem around the edge so it doesn’t fray. Mine was 27cm x 27cm but round it up to 30 and it will fit both big dolls and big toddlers!

Simply place your fabric in the middle of one of the 70cm ribbons and sew one straight line, attaching the ribbon to the back of the fabric. This will give you two shorter bottom straps. coming out of either side. Then sew one 70 cm ribbon to each top corner, pointing verticallytr. These will look long but they need to cross over your child’s back and tie around the front, so long is good.

Ummm….. Ta Da! For real, that is it! It is a 5 minute number, tops.

To put it on:
This might sound complicated, but once you do it you will see how simple it is! Tie the bottom strap around your kid’s waist, with a bow at the back, the pattern/ front of the fabric facing out. Place doll chest to chest with your toddler and bring the square up over dolls back. Put a strap over each shoulder, cross over the back (to look at tot’s back would show a big X) and bring straps around to the front again (under dolls bottom) and tie a front bow.

Every tot that has seen Ramona’s has wanted a carry – it would make a great pressie. I think it may have usurped the Easy Toddler Wings as my gift of choice!

Have fuuuun!

PS I’d hate for you to miss a thrifty/crafty/parenting post- enter your email to get them pinged into your inbox. I won’t be spamalot, promise!

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  • Jenna 9 January, 2013 at 8:26 pm

    That is brilliant. I love how she has a protective hand on her baby’s back. Such a pro!

    • Lucy 9 January, 2013 at 9:33 pm

      Hehe she is SO caring to her dolls, kissing their heads etc, waahhhh x

  • Aimee P 9 January, 2013 at 9:37 pm

    That is blimmin’ brilliant. I’m gonna keep this in my memory bank for later when my little munchkin is a bit older….I have a piece of really cute thermo drape fabric about 30cmx60cm that my sister picked up at a family store and had no idea what to do with it but wanted to make something a bit more awesome than a cushion.

    • Lucy 10 January, 2013 at 2:53 pm

      Ah awesome! Cusions are my go-to as well, always nice to have an alternative for a cute bit of fabric πŸ™‚ x

  • Naomi @ Upcycled Creatively 9 January, 2013 at 11:35 pm

    This is such a great idea, I love it! Thank you so much for sharing. I have some nieces that would love me to make them one each πŸ™‚

    • Lucy 10 January, 2013 at 2:54 pm

      Gosh Naomi you would make these in SUCH an amazing way, with your skills and your beautiful vintage fabric!! Can’t wait to see how yours turn out! xx

      • Naomi @ Upcycled Creatively 12 January, 2013 at 10:36 pm

        Ahhh, thanks Lucy, that’s very kind x

        • Naomi @ Upcycled Creatively 12 January, 2013 at 10:40 pm

          that’s cool…how do you get it to do that with the post I’ve done?!

          • Lucy 13 January, 2013 at 2:00 pm

            Hehe, it is a Plug In called Comment Luv, it is awesome eh! x

  • Roma 27 August, 2013 at 10:15 pm

    This is so wonderful thank you!

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  • Emily 8 March, 2014 at 11:05 am

    I found you via Pinterest, and I’ll be checking back! Great idea for a quick mini-carrier for a little one who has to do everything Mama does! I LOLed at your daughter nursing the garlic – mine nurses toys with a pretty unbiased eye, herself.

  • Charity 17 December, 2014 at 8:47 pm

    You just saved Christmas! I really wanted to make a doll carrier and was running out of time – this is beyond perfect. Thank you thank you thank you.

  • Jen 24 March, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    You’ve saved my day! My girl is currently obsessed with her new doll and I managed to knock this up in a few minutes to save the expensive toy shop trip. It’s great, I just made the ribbons longer as my gal is now nearly 5. ☺️

  • shawna 8 September, 2016 at 4:03 am

    I love this. I baby wear and my five year likes to do the same with her babies but blankets just aren’t cutting it. I crochet so I’m planning on crocheting the main square bit and attaching ribbon at the corners. Thanks for the simple plan! there are so many super amazing sewing tutorials out there and I an no seamstress, so this is perfect.

  • Kate S 17 April, 2018 at 6:10 am

    This is adorable! My youngest loved to be worn and would love to practice carrying his dolls in a carrier! This looks so simple I may even be able to handle it HA!!! Thanks for the tutorial πŸ™‚

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