
Kids watching copious amounts of TV right now?

11 April, 2020

Just pulling myself away from Episode Three of Next in Fashion (it’s a goody!) to talk a bit about screen time during a pandemic! How much is too much? Too little?

One of my fave’s Glennon Doyle went live this week to reassure everyone that during a pandemic TV time is ALL OF THE TIME!

If that is how you and your peeps are surviving these time, it is ALL GOOD. The only thing I know right now is that we need to exercise more self kindness and self acceptance than we have EVER in our whole lives.

Our screen enjoyment has gone up by many hours and we are enjoying it so much. There’s a few things I had to do to be okay with it though as I do have big feelings about things like:

Adverts, gender stereotypes, lack of representation, and my feeling that if the kids watch TV all day one of them in particular won’t get her play needs met, and there is a danger for us to loose out on connection. Which is my only family goal right now, really.

In today’s video I get real frank about our tv consumption and discuss some super practical ways to minimise the negative impacts of screen time:

I’d love to hear from you in the comments on youtube, and if you found this helpful please do share it around with other people who are new to this pandemic home schooling stuff.

And, in case you too are running out of good stuff to lay your peepers on here’s some of our favourite Netflix shows – other than nature docos which I could watch all day:
Blown Away (glass blowing comp. It’s the actual best show ever.)
Next in Fashion
The Final Table
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Lots of love,

lucy x

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