Featured, Parenting

Must Read Parenting Books (new series! A book club of sorts)

16 March, 2016

I was Lucy Read for 24 years of my life and I bet you will never GUESS what nick name I was given as a kid.


Oh yeah, well clever. In an effort to side step that nickname at a new school I told everyone that my real name was Luncinda Readingu.

(Better, ay? Harrhahahahahahahahahhahaha)

Perhaps as an effort to stick it to my bullies I actually WAS a big reader. A HUGE reader. “I’ll show YOU! By READING A BOOK HA!”

I took a bit of a break from reading when my children came along. But picked it up again a couple of years ago and can put a lot of my parenting down to a handful of books. I love a parenting book conversation, I LOVE hearing what has influenced people’s lives and I LOVE describing the books that have changed mine. (Even if it goes “Oh it is AMAZING, by ummm, Jenny someone… about, er, like, attachment and stuff” – I’m not good at the details.)

Anyway, I could talk your head off..

SO WHY DON’T I?!?! Hehehe. Here are three videos, part of a new Youtube series on parenting books that have influenced my parenting. must read parenting books

The first book I discuss is Holly McNish, Nobody Told Me. It is a solid brick of bravery. I can’t even imagine the guts it would take to publish such personal intimacy and such a take-down on much that is wrong with society. It is reassuring in its honesty and awe-inspiring in its beautiful poetry.

I’ve basically stolen it from my sister now but I will die an awed and reassured criminal.

The second book I discuss is the little known Letting Go As Children Grow. I’m sure it’s not THAT little known, but however well known it is, it is not enough. Seriously, this book is a must read for all new parents, it takes you from newborn days right up to older children, and majorly helped me get a better perspective on children and childhood. It was part of my transition from “I must be in control” to “I must be connected”…

The third book was chosen mainly because I think I wanted to try and articulate the change it is having on my life right now. Pheewwwwweee. Somehow I managed to film this whole video with a bit of a cynical smile on my face, as if there is still a part of me determined to not be roped in to psychobabble. Don’t believe this cynical show! I absolutely think the Power of Now is legit and am witnessing the potency of nowness everyday at the moment. Even if I don’t know how to say his name.

What books have influenced your life? Would love to hear from you.


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  • Nicola Hulks 17 March, 2016 at 2:16 am

    This is brill, Lucy! I have a baby on the way (hooray!) so am thinking through all sorts of things and will defo check out some of these recommendations. Looking forward to the rest of the series! 🙂

    • Lucy 17 March, 2016 at 9:22 am

      Ah wow congratulations Nicola!! X x x x

  • Nicole Lutze 17 March, 2016 at 7:59 am

    Hi Lucy, This is awesome! I’m reading the Power of Now, well, now, and absolutely loving it!

    I was wondering if I can email you (I can’t seen an email link anywhere on your blog, but it could be because I haven’t had a coffee yet…). I’m a freelance journalist and wanted to chat to you about your amazing story of moving from the 9-5 London life to your amazing new life in NZ.

    Please drop me a line if you’re interested in chatting.

    Have a great day!

  • Natalie 17 March, 2016 at 11:28 am

    I loved your other post on parenting books too so I’m going to check these out!! I’m due with baby number four in 3 weeks, eeeep! X

    • Lucy 17 March, 2016 at 1:09 pm

      BABY FOUR HOLY MOLY!! Amazing!!! Congratulations!!!

  • Anna 18 March, 2016 at 2:27 am

    I am in awe of anybody who is or has read The Power of Now. I just can’t get into it, I find every sentence is a challenge to interpret or something? But like the time I trained myself to love celery because I like the healthy crunch sound, I am sure one day I will conquer it! This review has renewed my grit!

    • Lucy 18 March, 2016 at 8:48 am

      Oh glory YEah Sometimes I read a whole page and realise ive been reading it like a poem, just letting the words roll over me

  • Madeleine 20 March, 2016 at 11:14 am

    I was like checking my library while I listend to your vlogs. It was like Nope – nope – jackpot. So I booked the Power of Now in swedish, also found out that the author had a bunch of books in store. I also looked up Hollie McNish on youtube as the library failed me. She seems rather good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=507YaqkUVNo

  • Kate Schick 4 May, 2016 at 7:13 pm

    Simplicity parenting…SO good! http://www.simplicityparenting.com/