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Blog Link Up for International Women’s Day

7 March, 2013

One evening this week my husband asked me if I was glad I was a woman. We had a bit of a conversation about whether we’d like to be another gender and both concluded that we wouldn’t.  I suspect you are imagining him and I wearing tweed and smoking pipes together, getting all philosopical, for it COULD have been quite a deep heart to heart. Actually we just ended up trying to Youtube men who breastfeed…

But I love being a woman. I am proud of womankind. We have achieved so very much, so very quickly over recent decades. I am blown away daily by the courage of young girls tackling sexism and mother’s challenging stereotypes and women risking their lives for justice.

So a giant pom-pom/ bra/ placard waving welcome to International Women’s Day 2013 and to celebrate here is a blog link up. I am excited about reading other blogger’s posts about womanhood, female heroes, and challenges we still face. Please visit other linker-up-er-ers and say hello – you may well find a kindred spirit from the other side of the world!

IWD Blog Hop
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