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be brave and be kind

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Be brave and be kind- my 2013 motto

31 December, 2012

Oh crumbs, I have about 12 hours left to fulfill my ONE New Years Resolution of 2012- to charge my electric toothbrush. I know! I’ll do it now instead of writing this! *contemplates getting off sofa to look for toothbrush and charger*  *carries on blogging*

Sometimes when I resolve to do things I am like a stubborn ox, immovable, determined. I have been vegetarian since I was ten and haven’t wavered for one second. I gave up buying new clothes 6 years ago and haven’t been tempted since. And then, in other ways, I am as flighty and undedicated as a sparrow with seven fiances and a helium balloon in its mouth.

If I am not inspired, I just don’t care. When it comes to sticking with normal resolutions (like cleaning my teeth properly and everyday) I just can’t be arsed. (Teeth scmeeth.)

So I am not doing a list of aims this year. Instead I cross stitched this reminder to myself. Something I can see everyday and be prompted to do the kind of things I think are important.Be brave and be kind cross stitch

It’s a line originally from The National’s Baby We’ll Be Fine, and is so simple, but for me sums up a lot of what I think.

“Be brave” because I want to:

  • Parent intuitively and instinctively, instead of by norms
  • Speak the truth and not worry about criticism
  • Face challenging times head on
  • Choose (with my husband) the right paths for our family
  • Give things a bash and not be scared of failure
  • Stand up, and battle, for what I think is right
  • Let go of fear, because it drives out love

    Be brave and be kind crossstich

“Be kind” because:

  • Kindness is love in action
  • A kind gesture is good for everyone’s soul
  • A kind word is eternal
  • Kindness can be small – like connecting with neighbours
  • Kindness can be big- like whole crowds choosing to bank ethically
  • Truth needs to be spoken from a loving motivation
  • Kindness is a value I see each day in my husband and want to copy
  • Kindness is something I want Ramona to treasure
  • Kindness can be a talisman for my parenting – an “Is this kind?” filter

    be brave frame

I stitched it onto one of my beautiful Nana’s doilies and framed it in a charity shop frame painted white, and here it sits atop of some of my favourite thrifted odds and ends.

Have you made any resolutions? Do you have a motto for the year?