This week I am celebrating good times AND the anniversary of Lulastic and the Hippyshake by giving away a selection pack of vintage finds – a little parcel that could well see you crafting up some luscious delights. YAHOOOO! And all you have to do is leave a comment!! YESSS!! *does Carlton on E dance*
Scroll down for that, but let me just wax lyrical for a moment…
I began blogging MOONS ago, a way of my young self to reflect on faith and social justice. When we moved to London it got tucked away into the internet version of under the sofa cushions; mostly forgotten about. When we moved into this house (2 years ago this week!) I reincarnated the blog as a DIY/craft focused number. After blogging for a year haphazardly and sporadically I moved to WordPress where Lulastic and the Hippyshake was minted –read that first post here, it is, predictably, about poo. I have pretty much posted 1-3 times a week for one year and have found a WORLD of joy through it!
Some of my favourite things grom this year of blogging include:
- Making real life friends. Twitter and the blogosphere are these INCREDIBLE hubs, where you find crowds of people who inspire, befriend and challenge you. I count lots of these – many of you readers and tweetmates- amongst my real, proper friends which I think my husband finds bizarre but HUMPH to that and HOORAY to friendship.
- Being a part of the Magpie Monday bunch. Liz, the lovely host of this weekly blog party, “found” me last November and at the bottom of a post about our recycled lounge invited me to join in. I duly did, with a this post about a sewing machine, and have since LOVED being part of a community that just totally Bigs Up the second hand lifestyle.
- Being shortlisted by you delicious readers for the Thrifty and Crafty categories in the Mum and Dad blog awards. I was UNBELIEVABLY thrilled to be nominated and shortlisted, I was walking on air with a gaping mouth for at least two days. (Winners announced in September, I’ll keep you posted- but I’m not holding my breath, my fellow contenders are the Cat’s Pajamas!)
- Finding the extra motivation sometimes needed to get crafty. I am naturally inclined towards craft – a genetic creativity and innate cheapskateness brings forth huge surges of enthusiasm for making. But sometimes I do get a little weary and feel a bit uninspired. Knowing I have a starving blog is often the extra kick in the pants to get making.
So as a THANK YOU to current readers and a WELCOME to any newbies here is my first ever giveaway. I have tried to gather some things that best represent this blog- a small crafty vintage haul!
3 large peices of fabric – two very retro numbers and one Cath Kidston, all between 1 sqm and 2 sqm.
One Jessie Taite Midwinter Spanish Garden teacup. I collect this swoon-making crockery and thought one of these teacups might help you to utilise the crafty ideas in my Ten New Uses for Old Teacups post! (This retro stripey fabric is included, so beaut!)
A mini hot glue gun. If I was Prime Minister I would make this a requisite item for every household. The myriad of things it can achieve! The first step to self-sustainability! This was kindly given by the craftilicious people at Hobbycraft, those folk behind the Craft category of the MADS. Fabric also included.
And finally, a Twinkle from the year of my birth, 1982. I also collect vintage kids annuals – they are a mine of crafting potential (a few ideas here). This book is filled with the most BEAUTIFUL retro graphics, just begging to be cut out and crafted up (sacriligeous I know.)
- Just leave a comment saying hello and giving me a way to contact you – your blog/ twitter handle or email address. EASY PEAZY.
- For a second entry you can share it on one of your social networks. Simply pop it on your Facebook wall (tag my page Lulastic and the Hippyshake) OR tweet this giveaway (include my Twitter handle @Lulasticblog) OR share it on Pinterest (use the top image and once again tag me @lulasticblog) Make sure you leave a second comment telling me you have done this 🙂
I will pick the winner by random in ten days time – 9pm 15th August- and will announce it on this here blog. If the winner doesn’t get back in touch in 3 days I’ll pick another (harsh world, my friends, harsh cold world.) And I’m afraid it’s only open to UK peeps, unless any internationals want to contribute to postage- just mention that in your comment.