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Craftiness, Thrifty

An Upcycled Toddler Space with Homemade Coloured Chalkboard Paint

4 April, 2013

I have been getting busy with the homemade coloured chalkboard paint again! I am a bit of an obsessive. It is just such a cool, simple and thrifty way to upcycle things and transform spaces. I’ve recently made over a useless little nook into a kid’s corner with it.

See, we intend to keep cosleeping for a while, the four of us, so our little tot Ramona doesn’t actually have a bedroom. We just have the family room- one massive bed and a set of drawers for each of us. Then dotted around the house are little areas set up just for Ramona- one of the spare rooms holds the dolls room and all of her teddies and downstairs she has a bench with her art stuff on it. And now she has a little space with a table, chair and some nursery style decoration.Upcycled toddler space using homemade coloured chalkboard paint

We found this little coffee table on the street, it is quite a handy size but I felt a quick lick of some homemade coloured chalk board paint would just make it a bit more fun.
Upcycled Kid's corner using homemade chalkboard paint
With the extra paint I gave some old frames a little makeover, and hooked up some big letters and numbers we got from a charity shop a little while ago.Chalkboard paint upcyling frames and table

It is quite common to see her sitting at her desk, working away or reading. What a poppet!

Here is a quick vlog of me showing how to whip up Homemade Coloured Chalkboard Paint

And here is a little How To with the coloured chalk paint and coffee table:

Craftiness, Our recycled home

DIY Rainbow Chalkboard Wall

24 January, 2013

Ramona has just learnt the joy of drawing on things other than paper. If things go deathly quiet you will be sure to find her tucked away in our lounge behind the curtain, scrawling all over the back of it. Last week I was at a friend’s place and our two poppets went missing for a good 15 minutes. We found them upstairs, a thick marker pen in each hand, COVERING each other’s faces in scribbles. (I even found some on Ramona’s bottom later on, as if they were looking for the softest, most receptive surface!) And just yesterday I walked past one of the only swanky plastered and painted walls in our whole home and spotted a fresh installation of orange crayon artwork. You have to admit, the graffiti lifestyle is pretty cool.

But, to keep us all happy we have dedicated a whole wall to her gangster ways.

Enter the DIY rainbow chalkboard wall.homemade chalkboard paint wall

I LOVE making my own chalkboard paint, it is SO easy and thrifty and means the whole world is your oyster in terms of colours.

You need:

A Wall
Different coloured acrylic paint
Cheap as chips tile grout
Paint brushes
A rapscallion tot with a piece of chalk in each fist

Add a table spoon of grout to half a cup of paint and mix well. Use masking tape to mask off the bits you don’t want the paint to go. You will need two layers of each colour. The genius of this homemade chalkboard paint is that it is super adhesive and sticks to anything, no sanding or priming needed.DIY homemade coloured chalk paint wall


I am so pleased with our little chalk wall, it really keeps Ramona and her pals occupied, and covers up what was an exceptionally manky, pine cladded hallway.
Homemade Chalk Board paint wall

*dramatic sigh* “Walls, faces, curtains, bottoms… there are no limits to my artistic expression, Mum… I’ve just got to let it out… ” 

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