We are getting a reputation. For junk loving. (The good kind of junk… I mean, rubbish kind of junk… the kind of junk that ISN’T in your trunk… well, it may be from someone’s trunk, but not THAT kind of trunk… GAH)
Our friend’s landlord called us up a wee while ago and offered us an old 1950’s kitchen cabinet her had uncovered in one of his grottier houses. We were all “HECK YES!” and then he bought it over and it was covered in cat poo and vintage grease and smelt like it had been residing in hell itself.So it went straight out to the notorious alley in our backyard and has languished there for most of the winter.
Then, in the haze of fresh starts that is New Year’s Day we bought it in and attacked it* with cleaner and paint and now it is my new craft station.
*Tim mostly attacked and I instagrammed about it.
Can you forgive the grainy picture? I’m REALLY sorry, it is just so gloomy these day’s, eh.
It makes a perfect craft station- I did really love my old one, but it genuinely took up 1/3 of the room so it had to go.
There is plenty of storage space, shelves inside and a sturdy one that pulls out at the perfect height for my sewing machine.
I mixed the colour myself, aiming for a pale minty green with a hint of steel grey (!) I just used acrylic so that I had a wealth of colours to mix with, but I added a hint of tile grout. This turns the paint into the perfect texture, and it adheres to anything, no sanding needed, kind of like the Annie Sloane chalk paint that is taking the decorating world by storm but for a fraction of the price.
Hooray for a junky reputation!
Found anything cool lately? Have a look at all the other secondhand treasures bloggers have found over at Liz and Magpie Monday!
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