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Oh, yeah, also: NEW BLOG! You are going to want to marry it…

1 January, 2014

Probably as a way of distracting myself from all the emotions of moving, like, literally FURTHER THAN IT IS POSSIBLE TO MOVE, I have been working on a brand new blog.

It is thrift, frugality and moneysaving utopia but especially for people who love the planet and enjoy being generous, having a cool home and eating well. I’m aiming to post (nearly) daily, short tips and tricks on everything from travel, recipes, craft and fashion.

It’s the opposite of being a cheapskate – it’s Wonderthrift! New thrifty blog Wonderthrift

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It doesn’t look that beaut at the moment- I tried doing it over Christmas whilst on the loo/ nursing Juno to sleep but I’m planning on snazzying it up (unless there are any designers out there who want to help me with it?) But, OOF, the thrifty fun to be had on there over the coming months- eeeek!

See you at Wonderthrift, you thrifty wonders!