Craftiness, Thrifty

An Upcycled Toddler Space with Homemade Coloured Chalkboard Paint

4 April, 2013

I have been getting busy with the homemade coloured chalkboard paint again! I am a bit of an obsessive. It is just such a cool, simple and thrifty way to upcycle things and transform spaces. I’ve recently made over a useless little nook into a kid’s corner with it.

See, we intend to keep cosleeping for a while, the four of us, so our little tot Ramona doesn’t actually have a bedroom. We just have the family room- one massive bed and a set of drawers for each of us. Then dotted around the house are little areas set up just for Ramona- one of the spare rooms holds the dolls room and all of her teddies and downstairs she has a bench with her art stuff on it. And now she has a little space with a table, chair and some nursery style decoration.Upcycled toddler space using homemade coloured chalkboard paint

We found this little coffee table on the street, it is quite a handy size but I felt a quick lick of some homemade coloured chalk board paint would just make it a bit more fun.
Upcycled Kid's corner using homemade chalkboard paint
With the extra paint I gave some old frames a little makeover, and hooked up some big letters and numbers we got from a charity shop a little while ago.Chalkboard paint upcyling frames and table

It is quite common to see her sitting at her desk, working away or reading. What a poppet!

Here is a quick vlog of me showing how to whip up Homemade Coloured Chalkboard Paint

And here is a little How To with the coloured chalk paint and coffee table:

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  • Mrs C 4 April, 2013 at 8:52 am

    OMG – I had that tea pot thing when I was a kid. Really takes me back seeing it again. Love the corner and love the idea of using chalkboard paint too.

    • Lucy 4 April, 2013 at 12:28 pm

      No way! Ramona has frying pan and pot too, my mum found it in a charity shop 🙂

      • Mrs C 4 April, 2013 at 12:39 pm

        And that’s exactly why I love charity shop finds! 🙂

  • Jo 4 April, 2013 at 9:45 am

    I do love that corner – lucky Ramona. I love the colours too. I remember my kids loving little corners of their own when they were tiny. We had a sheepskin with a basket of books by the end of the couch, a blackboard in the back porch, a hammock on the front porch, and a little table and chair there too. Pint sized furniture. Nothing sweeter. Then they get a bit older, and make the whole house into a cubby with all your blankets, and tie them to the curtain rods with string…

    • Lucy 4 April, 2013 at 12:28 pm

      Haha how gorgeous. We have a reading nook too, with a bean bag. She loves it!

  • Margot Darling 4 April, 2013 at 12:34 pm

    Sure Ramona loves it. The paint is a brilliant idea! Off to have a go myself now! Thanks.

    • Lucy 4 April, 2013 at 12:37 pm

      It will change your life teehee!

  • Jen aka The Mad House 4 April, 2013 at 3:07 pm

    Fab posts again Lucy

    • Lucy 4 April, 2013 at 10:17 pm

      Thank you Jen!

  • Jen 6 April, 2013 at 9:26 am

    This looks so lovely and the colours are gorgeous! What a fab little space. 🙂

    • Lucy 8 April, 2013 at 9:39 am

      Thanks Jen! I was trying to get a bit of a retro feel happening with these colours 🙂

  • Pippa 9 April, 2013 at 11:50 am

    feeling inspired. Maybe, if we can’t manage to sell this little house, we could fit four of us in…its a big enough bedroom for an even bigger bed. And find some corners around the house that could be their space. Thanks!

    • Lucy 10 April, 2013 at 4:27 pm

      *high fives* bigger houses are INCREDIBLY overrated!

  • Re-e-e-e wind | Once Upon a Home 19 May, 2013 at 5:14 pm

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