
DIY glitter figure decorations

18 December, 2013

Quick! It’s Christmas! COVER EVERYTHING IN GLITTER.Glitter Figures Tutorial

I am always picking up small plastic figures from charity shops and car boots sales- sometimes whole plastic bags of them for 50p. I rummage through it saying to Ramona “One for you, one for me” until they are all dished out. She plays quite imaginatively with them and I craft them up. (These Cowboy and Indian pots were probably my favourite. Until now.)

I also like putting glitter on stuff. Really, who doesn’t? Anything goes. (See: shoes)

Glitter on tiny plastic toys is a WINNER!


Grab some glue- a nice toxic shoe glue is a goody, something that dries quickly but is really strong.

Grab some glitter.

Apply glue to your figure in centimetre patches, dabbing it in the glitter before you do the next centimetre.

Don’t get your fingers involved. (I was Goldfinger for about 3 days.)

Apply a string to hang on the tree or a name tag for a placeholder.


Merry glittery Christmas everybody.

(HARHAHAHAHA *evil laugh* Your guests will have glitter in all their nooks and crannies for MONTHS.)

PS For more parenting/ travelling / thrifty blogging follow through Facebook or Bloglovin

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  • Morgana @ butwhymummywhy 18 December, 2013 at 10:18 am

    Love these! *heads straight off to local charity shoos*

  • Jo T 18 December, 2013 at 10:50 am

    These better be coming to the shire.

  • Katy Beale 18 December, 2013 at 11:32 am

    Love these. My mother would kill me if I introduced something like this to her house. I think she’s finally got rid of all the teenage glitter I left at her place.

  • Jess @ Along Came Cherry 18 December, 2013 at 2:43 pm

    Great idea, Cherry is obsessed with glitter at the moment x

  • ThaliaKR 18 December, 2013 at 6:25 pm

    You are hilarious.

    Rochelle was just lamenting (complete with pics of her lovelies looking *quite* guilty) glittersplosion in their house – so I’ll def be sending this to her!

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  • Lisa Bradburn 4 January, 2018 at 1:11 am

    Oooh I love these glittery DIY figures! We seems to love sparkly craft activities in our house at the moment so I’m going to plan this for the next rainy day activity!