
Homemade fingerpaint in awesome crafty jars

10 April, 2012

We visited my sister’s family in Gloucester this past weekend, glamping (well, it was in a caravan and we had bunting?) in their paddock. Ooh, twas lovely chilling with them all, apart from the incessant rain and freezingness. Instead of celebratory Easter Eggs I took them home made finger paints –  something that might fuel their imaginations rather than their existing bouncing off walls tendancy (this is still edible though, Ramona reveals every time she uses them!)

A little while ago Louise from Sew Scrumptious posted about these most amazing jar lids she had crafted up. I duly tucked it away in my mind’s craft drawer and have been searching for little figures ever since. My heart leapt into my throat and my hands got the shakes (you don’t have this reaction when pouncing on a proper bargain?) when I nabbed this WHOLE BAG of little fellas for £2 at a car boot last week.

Red Ted Art (kids craft queen) posted a recipe for home made finger paints a wee while ago. It is just a few ingredients and I always have them in my kitchen. I have a great love of this kind of easy crafting and avoidance of toxins.

Together I reckon they made an awesome pressy. (You are allowed to say that if the ideas weren’t yours, eh?)

The Finger Paints

1/2 tsp spoon salt

1 cup corn flour

3 tbs spoons sugar

2 cups water

Beat it all together in a pan while heating over a hot element. When thickened allow to cool. Pour into jars and add a couple of drops of food colouring.

The jars

I used Barts Fairtrade spices jars, a nice little size.

Spray paint lids and figures seperately with a white under coat.

Keeping them seperate give them a few licks of a bright acrylic paint.

Using super glue or a hot glue gun stick the figures onto your lid.


PS Unfortunately my little gift didn’t survive the bus, tube and train to Glasterr and the Cowboys and Indians had escaped the lids taking some paint with them.  Woe, WOE, me. And my sis who has to superglue them back on. I have adjusted the directions to prevent this happening to yourself.

PPS I am a day late (blaming WordPress, the ratbags) but am linking this up with the other Magpies at Liz’s Magpie Monday celebration

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  • Danielle Askins 10 April, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    They look great! Love the figures spray painted too.

    • lulastic 10 April, 2012 at 9:21 pm

      Thank you kindly 🙂

  • louisehorler 10 April, 2012 at 12:46 pm

    LOVE LOVE LOVE them! I have cowboy envy. Seriously they look amazing!! x

    • lulastic 10 April, 2012 at 9:22 pm

      Cowboys and indians are fab eh (the plastic, crafted, non shooty.kind)

  • maggy, red ted art 10 April, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    Ooooh I LOVE! How cool 🙂

    So want to make some of those jars!

    • lulastic 10 April, 2012 at 9:25 pm

      I had exactly the same feeling when I saw Louise’s post!

  • littlegreenblog 10 April, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    Absoloutely wonderful; if only I’d had this recipe a few years ago when my LO was into finger painting; what a thoughtful gift 🙂

    • lulastic 10 April, 2012 at 9:27 pm

      I know, love only using stuff on Ramona’s skin that she could actually eat. It’s quite tasty, unlike play do!

  • Liz Burton 10 April, 2012 at 2:49 pm

    Sod the kids – I want some of these!

    So utterly utterly cool. x

    • lulastic 10 April, 2012 at 9:29 pm

      Ha ha, I did have my sister in mind for these, since she pinched the last cow boy thing I crafted!
      (yeah I may have written this mostly for her benefit, ma ha)

  • Molly 10 April, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    Those figures bring back memories, used to love fitting that blue cowboy onto his horse, and other things (ahem). Your paint jars are FAB, I love them!

    • lulastic 10 April, 2012 at 9:29 pm

      He he he, I do have the horse too! x

  • lizzysfairytale 10 April, 2012 at 8:41 pm

    love em lu! x

    • lulastic 10 April, 2012 at 9:30 pm

      Thanks Lizzy, looking forward to more of your crafts!

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