Craftiness, Thrifty

DIY lace bowl … in 10 minutes

9 September, 2012

Do you have a constant second hand shopping list floating around your mind at all times? It is almost certainly a waste of brain space (space that for me I suspect could have been used up in the area of knowing how to pronounce certain words)  but it does nurture patience and acceptance as you wander around charity shops and car boot fairs, not finding the things you want but knowing you will one day.

Mine goes something like:

Summer shoes

Vintage Toys

Midwinter Crockery

Retro Glass Jugs

Lexicon word game



(It goes from the specific to, er, kinda general…)

Any bargainous retro or vintage item

I pick up this stuff time and time again, whenever I see it. Often because I don’t believe a house can ever be too full of the delightful swirls of old crockery but also because I know this stuff will come in handy for craft purposes.  Lexicon and Scrabble are INVALUABLE. (Hmmm. Although I won’t dig out more than £1.50 for them. Invaluable might be a bit too strong a word. Hehe.)

And I have quite few reams of lace. I like to stack it in piles and have crafted a few lovely things out of it- my favourite being this flapper style head band for a friend’s little lass.

A little while ago I found a few tutorials for lace lampshades on Pinterest and, although we are not in need of lampshades as I am whipping these up all the time out of totally obvious things like zips, I wondered if the same principle could be use to craft up some bowls.

Turns out it can. HOORAY!

You need:

Step 1- Blow up a balloon to about the size you want the bowl to be.

Step 2 – Take a strip of lace  – the length needs to go around the balloon and will be the circumference of your bowl. The width will be the side of the bowl. Mine was around 27 inches long and I chose 5 inches in width.

Step 3 – Do a series of cuts, at one inch intervals all along the length, from the bottom up to about 2 inches  from the top. It will be like a flappy thing. (*wishes she had photo of this bit that wasn’t blurry!*)

Step 4 – Dunk this into mod podge.

Step 5- Wrap this around the bottom half of your balloon, overlapping each one inch segment by just a few millimetres. Doing this allows the lace to curve around, without having to have pleats. The bottom rim should be curving under the balloon, leaving an empty bit at base of balloon.

Step 6- Make sure the seam and each overlap is well pushed together.  Be warned, it does all get a bit slippy and slithery and your balloon my try and escape your grasp a bit!

Step 7- Leave it to dry (it should be done in an hour or two if left in a breezy, warm place)

Step 8- Add another layer of Mod Podge and leave to dry again

Step 9- Pop balloon! You should have a fairly sturdy bowl with no bottom!

Step 10-  Tweak it a little, bending it gently in to the right shape, if needed.

Step 11- Cut out a piece of lace to be the bottom. It needs to be whatever shape the balloon happens to have made it! Mine was a kind of small oval.

Step 12- Dunk it into the Mod Podge and place this into the inside of the bowl, covering the hole, pushing it gently onto the existing lace structure. Leave to dry flat on its bottom. (Otherwise you’ll have a wobbly bowl)

Step 13- Give a light coat of varnish around the outside. My varnish dries in an hour, if in warm, breezy place.

Step 14- Give a light coat of varnish throughout the inside. Especially seal off the edges of the bottom piece.

Step 14- If you like the original colour of the lace then VOILA! You are done.

Step 15- If, like me, you used an ancient tin of varnish because you are too stingy to throw it away and it was really yellow, you will need to find a spray can colour you are happy with. I went for neon orange and I LOVE IT!


It isn’t perfect, if you were to inspect you would see it was slightly wonky and the seams would be quite obvious but I think the “lacey bowl” effect is nailed.  The overall paint coverage hides a whole load of the little discrepancies.

I am pretty sure, taking out drying time, that the whole thing is done in a matter of moments – possibly one of the quickest crafting up of a bowl ever? Of course, it isn’t water tight, so you cannae eat your cornflakes out of it, but as a vestibule for bits and bobs (of which our household needs many) it is purdy purfick.

I am definately making these again – perhaps as a way of displaying some small crafts I hope to see one day at a fair. (Vague plans, too lazy and flighty to make enough of one thing to purvey!)

It is sitting in my little kitchen pop of orange, underneath some heart palpitatingly beautiful pottery I found at a car booty last week. The pottery, it is called Lord Nelson Gaytime. Honestly. You couldn’t make it up.

Linking up with the magical Liz and the Magpies- celebrators of all things second hand.

And the final shout out for the Charity Shop Blog Hop! Being hosted here this Thursday – come along and link up your charity shop loving posts and get all kinds of blog loving 😀

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  • jojot 9 September, 2012 at 9:15 pm

    I LOVE those vases and their name.
    Also…. awry. He he he.

    • lulastic 9 September, 2012 at 9:16 pm


      er, my bowl yeah?

      • lulastic 9 September, 2012 at 9:26 pm

        Jokes, just jokes. I am equally as proud of my Lord Nelson Gaytime find.

      • jojot 10 September, 2012 at 1:16 pm

        Sorry. The bowl is lovely. But the other stuff…

  • Liz 9 September, 2012 at 9:35 pm

    You always come up with things I would never think of in a million years! A great idea for using up lace, I wonder if other fabric would work too? Love the crockery, and you definitely wouldn’t get away with calling a modern range a similar name x

    • lulastic 9 September, 2012 at 10:01 pm

      I have wondered about other fabric… I am sure it can be done, but I get stuck on the inside/outside bit. One side would look awesome, and one would look a bit rubbish? Lace is obviously lush on both sides.
      I am sure you would nail it though! 😀

  • Liz Burton 10 September, 2012 at 11:09 am

    Oooh this is fab.

    A bit like my doily bowls, but lace may be easier to come by??


    • lulastic 10 September, 2012 at 11:20 am

      You make DOILY bowls? You have such skills. *goes off to search your blog*

  • nyssapod (@nyssapod) 10 September, 2012 at 6:36 pm

    I love your charity shop wish list – I have a similar one myself.

    And your lace bowl is really fab! I’m a bit of a fan of orange, as you’ve probably spotted 🙂

    • lulastic 10 September, 2012 at 7:09 pm

      Hehe yes me too- orange all the way! So bright and cheery 😀

  • ChrisTeaAndCakes 10 September, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    Purdy! I too have a wish list for tat, although if you’re looking for pretty much the same things that I am then others must be too, no wonder my wants are few and far between! Is there enough tat to go around I wonder?!

    • lulastic 10 September, 2012 at 7:32 pm

      Hahaha is there enough tat. Have you been to a car boot sale lately!! Teheheheheeeee

  • Sian 11 September, 2012 at 11:56 am

    very pretty : )
    lovely pottery with a great name!
    I too have a wish list : ) and have found some great bits of wood to recarve lately : )

    • lulastic 11 September, 2012 at 12:41 pm

      Thank you! oooh.. carving wood. I’d love to be able to do that. 😀

  • mum of all trades 15 September, 2012 at 8:30 pm

    Great idea and I love the colour.

    • lulastic 18 September, 2012 at 7:58 am

      Thank you! The neon makes it a bit less old lady!

  • Jenny 16 September, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    What a brilliant idea! Now I need to buy some balloons. And lace. 😉

    • lulastic 18 September, 2012 at 7:57 am

      I always have those two things tucked in a draw along with chalk, buttons, pens with no lids etc etc!

  • KatGotTheCream (@KatGotTheCream) 20 September, 2012 at 11:31 am

    This is great and thanks for the homemade Modpodge recipe. I have a pile of doilies that I have been meaning to turn into bowls too. When will I ever get around to all these projects?

    PS Love your charity shop wishlist – mine is quite similar!

    • lulastic 21 September, 2012 at 1:44 pm

      Ah defintely have to go and look at Liz’s doily craft, I don’t have any but only because I wonder what i will do with them once home. Now I know!

  • crafts on sea 22 September, 2012 at 6:59 pm

    Oh I am seriously loving this! Am quite lazy so I’m not totally convinced that it will only take ten minutes but, laziness aside, this is very much on my things to do list now too 🙂

    • lulastic 23 September, 2012 at 9:06 pm

      No really, really, apart form the slipiness it is SUPER easy and quick! I reckon second and third ones would be even easier too.

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