I can’t really speak with much authority on this as we are heading into summer so let me hand your right on over to a guest blogger!! We actually do a lot of these… our gratitude list is a jar, we write things up and put them in and read them when we need them. So nice.
As the days become shorter and the nights get colder, even the most upbeat amongst us can feel a little down. Mild winter blues or known medically as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), affects about 29% of the population, while 40% suffer from general fatigue in winter. It can manifest itself though abnormal sleeping patterns, excessive or sparse eating habits, or an overall sense of sadness. While those who suffer from more sever forms of the condition should seek professional help, those who fall into the 29% of the population who get slightly downhearted can take some simple steps to combat the hindrance.
Shake up your Routine
For those who get down in the winter, the length of the season can be enough to evoke a sense of hopelessness. The same routine, day after day, week after week, month after month, can be overwhelming. While its temping to go home and lock up for the evening, make plans for after work, keep active, take a yoga class or even just go to the cinema. There an old saying that states: “There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing”. Just because its winter it does not mean you shouldn’t engage in outdoor activities. Wrap the kids up and go on an adventure.
Adhere to a Rigid Sleeping Pattern
Even if you wake up sleepy, force yourself to go to bed at the same time every night and get out of bed at the same time in the mornings. It’s essential to have an orderly sleeping pattern, even if it takes a few days to fall into it. Make sure you have a comfortable mattress that works for you, as it’s worth investing in to being well rested. Good sleep is an essential element to sound mental health.
Connect – Internally and Externally
Internally and externally, what on earth does that mean? Well, it means making connections with not only those around us but with ourselves. The feeling of isolation is one most commonly referenced by those who suffer from SAD. It’s also important to document your feelings, typically through keeping a diary. Make a ‘gratitude diary’ where you list five things every day that happened that you are grateful for or a ‘have done list’- the perfect antidote to those demanding “to do lists”. Lastly, make sure you’re getting a lot of antioxidants in your diet, found in items such as tea and blueberries. These will help ward of sickness, which can only make things worse in the winter.
Disclosure: this is a sponsored post.